Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Amwald.1591-01

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Georg Am Wald: Kurtzer Bericht/ Wie/ was gestalt vnd warvmb das Panacea am Waldina/ [...] anzuwenden seye. Frankfurt am Main: Nicolaus Basse for Martin Lechler, 1591.
Main Language: German. —
Publisher: Martin Lechler
Later editionBP.Amwald.1592-01.
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Munich, State Library
Munich, State Library

sig. A1v
Illustration: Woodcut: Coat of Arms of Georg Am Wald

sig. A2r
Dedicatory Inscription by Georg Am Wald, addressed to Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor

sig. A4r
Poem by Johann Haßler, addressed to Georg Amwald; Latin
Augsburg, [1578]