Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Fedro.nd-01

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Georg Fedro: Die Cur der jetzt schwebenden Pestilentz. Wien: Caspar Stainhofer, no date [ca. 1565-1576].
not listed in VD16, last checked: 22 November 2023. —
4°. Signatures: A–E4 = 20 fols. (40 pages) (autopsy).
No pagination. [37], [3 blank] pages (autopsy). —
Main Language: German. —
Probably published in the same year as VD16 W 2593
Author: Georg Fedro
Digital copy (Google Books)
Google Books: Bamberg, State Library (EwPIhYAA8TcC)
Digital copy (Libraries)
Bamberg, State Library

sig. A1r
Title page

sig. A1v
Dedication by Georg Fedro, addressed to Catherine of Austria, Queen of Poland; Latin
no place, no date

sig. A2r–E3r [35 pages]
‘Die Kur der jetzt schwebenden Pestilenz’, by Georg Fedro

sig. E3v–E4v [3 pages]
3 blank pages