Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Erastus.1580-03

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Thomas Erastus: Disputatio de putredine. , 1580.
VD16 E 3677. — USTC: 602221. —
4°. Signatures: a–z4 A–G4 H2 = 122 fols. (244 pages) (autopsy).
1-241, 244-245, [1 blank] pages (autopsy).
Main Language: Latin. —
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Digital copy (Libraries)
Basel, University Library

sig. a1r
Title page
Printer’s mark

sig. a1v
Blank page

sig. a2r–a4v ‖ p. 3–8 [6 pages]
Dedication by Thomas Erastus, addressed to Ludwig VI., Pfalzgraf bei Rhein; Latin
no place, no date

sig. b1r–b1v ‖ p. 9–10 [2 pages]
Preface by Thomas Erastus, addressed to the Reader; Latin
no place, no date

sig. b2r–p1r ‖ p. 11–113 [103 pages]
‘Disputatio de putredine, pars prior’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin

sig. p1v
Blank page

sig. p2r–r2r ‖ p. 115–131 [17 pages]
‘Theses de putredine’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
Respondent: Leo Wolfhard

sig. p2v ‖ p. 116
Preface by Thomas Erastus, addressed to the Reader; Latin

sig. r2v
Blank page

sig. r3r–H2r ‖ p. 133–245 [111 pages]
‘Disputatio de febribus putridis’, by Thomas Erastus; Latin
no place, no date

sig. r3v
Blank page

sig. H2v
Blank page