Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Schroet.1568-01

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Antonio Bonfini: Rerum ungaricarum decades. Basel, 1568.
VD16 B 6593. — USTC: 611992. —
Schröter’s poems are not found in the Frankfurt 1581 edition.
Variant editionBP.Schroet.1568-02 (distinguishing feature: Printer's mark: Arion auf dem Rücken des Delfins, darüber ein geflügelter Engel mit Posaune).
Digital copy (Google Books)
Google Books: Leeuwarden, Tresoar Library (Yyr-ZvAIxusC)
Digital copy (Libraries)
Munich, State Library

sig. FF6r ‖ p. 899
Poem by Adam Schröter, addressed to Abraham Bakschay; Latin
Kraków, 16 April 1567
Reprinted from: BP.Schroet.1567-01

sig. FF6r ‖ p. 899
‘Ad Zoilum’, Poem by Adam Schröter; Latin
Reprinted from: BP.Schroet.1567-01

sig. FF6r ‖ p. 899
‘Zoilus respondet A[damum] S[chröterum]’, Poem by Adam Schröter; Latin
Reprinted from: BP.Schroet.1567-01

sig. FF6v ‖ p. 900
‘In arma Abrahami Bakschay’, Poem by Adam Schröter; Latin
Reprinted from: BP.Schroet.1567-01