Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Libavius.1615-01

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Andreas Libavius: Syntagmatis selectorum vndiquaque et perspicue traditorum Alchymiae Arcanorum, tomus primus. Frankfurt am Main: Nicolaus Hoffmann for Peter Kopf, 1615.
Main Language: Latin. —
A title edition of the 1611 edition with a newly typset outer leaf of sig. (?) (title page and poems)
Publisher: Peter Kopf
Digital copies (Google Books)
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Digital copies (Libraries)
Vienna, National Library
Munich, Deutsches Museum
Madrid, University Library

sig. (?)1r
Title page
Illustration: with a full-page copper engraving

sig. (?)1v
Blank page

sig. (?)2r–(?)5v [8 pages]
Dedication, addressed to Veit Ulrich Marschall von Ebnet; Latin
Coburg, 4 April 1611

sig. (?)6r
Poem by Michael Schön, addressed to Andreas Libavius; Latin

sig. (?)6r
Poem by Johann Hartmann (theologian), addressed to Andreas Libavius; Latin

sig. (?)6v
Blank page

sig. Ss1r–Ss4r [7 pages]

sig. Ss4v
Blank page