Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Fedro.1736-01

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Andreas Tentzel: Chymisch-Spagirische Arztney-Kunst, transl. by P. C.. Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig, no publisher, 1736.
. Signatures: [unsigned]1 )(4 A–Z8 Aa2 = 191 fols. (382 pages) (autopsy).
[x], 370, [2 blank] pages (autopsy).
Translator: P. C.
Variant editionBP.Fedro.1736-02.
sig. [unsigned]1r
Title page

sig. [unsigned]1v
Blank page

sig. )(1r–)(2v [4 pages]
Preface by [P. C.], addressed to the Reader; German

sig. )(3r–)(4v [4 pages]
Preface by Andreas Tentzel, addressed to the Reader; German
no place, 1 August 1617

sig. A1r–K8v ‖ p. 1–160 [160 pages]
‘Chymisch-spagyrische Arznei-Kunst’, by Andreas Tentzel; German

sig. L1r–X5r ‖ p. 161–329 [169 pages]
‘Rare chymisch-medicinische Arcana und Geheimnisse’, by Georg Fedro; German
Translated from: BP.Fedro.1611-01

sig. X5r–Aa1v ‖ p. 329–370 [42 pages]
‘Spagyrische Geheimnisse’, by Henning Scheunemann; German
“unseres Wissens noch niemals gedruckt” [not printed before], according to the preface, sig. )(2r.

sig. Aa2r–Aa2v [2 pages]
2 blank pages