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= Paratexts =

* [[Paratexts/Dedications, Prefaces, Postfaces|Dedications, Prefaces, Postfaces]]
* [[Paratexts/Poems|Poems]]
= Name =
* [[Paratexts/Notices|Notices, Editorial Remarks etc.]]
* [[Paratexts/Other|Other Texts]]
| Type=Dedication
| Author=
| Recipient=
| Date=
| Language=
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
= Anonymous =
| Type=Preface
| Author=
| Anon=1
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP100
| AbstractGPT=The preface addresses the reader regarding the writings of Theophrastus Paracelsus, who was admired by many for his intellect despite his simple demeanor. The author is publishing previously unreleased work by Paracelsus, including his commentary on Hippocrates' Aphorisms and treatises on corals, St. John's Wort, and water pepper. Rather than praising these works themselves, the author urges readers to form their own opinions, as they are self-evidently useful and good. The author criticizes those who unfairly mock or belittle Paracelsus' work out of jealousy, and warns against pseudodisciples who claim to follow Paracelsus but fail to truly understand or utilize his teachings, instead attacking those who disagree. The author reminds readers that greatness should be imitated in virtue, not vice, and such pseudodisciples should prove their understanding through action, not just sharp writing. Lastly, the author asks for the reader's understanding for any errors in the text, which stem from limitations in the original copy used for this publication, not from negligence or carelessness.
| Type=Notice
| Author=
| Anon=1
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1569
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP106
| AbstractGPT=The text suggests that a person, believing themselves to be knowledgeable, hastily interpreted some magical figures. However, as understanding magical art requires more than a cursory interpretation, their efforts were deemed fundamentally useless, despite initial positive reception.
| Type=Preface
| Author=
| Anon=1
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1570
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP121
| AbstractGPT=The reader is informed that this edition of the "Archidoxes" books by the renowned physician and philosopher Theophrastus Paracelsus is more accurate than prior versions, as it is derived directly from the author's original handwriting. In addition, a previously unpublished treatise on minerals, from Paracelsus' book on Natural Things, has been included. Despite earlier editions of the works on vitriol and sulfur being flawed, this version aims to present them in their entirety as originally intended by the author. The goal is to disseminate Paracelsus' works widely, enlightening many with his revelations about nature, under the conviction that knowledge kept hidden is of no benefit to anyone.
| Type=Preface
| Author=
| Anon=1
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1573
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP149
| AbstractGPT=The reader is informed that the book has been preserved in its original, simple German language without any alterations or improvements. This is to illustrate the faithfulness of its intent and to highlight the linguistic evolution over time. The book, deemed a divine gift, was intended for devout individuals rather than the godless. Therefore, it is primarily intended to benefit pious Christians.
| Type=Poem
| Author=
| Anon=1
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP155
| AbstractGPT=The poem expresses the author's stance on the value of practical experience over theoretical learning. The author questions if anyone wonders why they write about unfamiliar matters that even learned people do not know, despite their extensive studies in various renowned universities. These scholars have spent much time and money on education, yet their extensive reading doesn't equate to understanding if they fail to grasp the essence of their learning. Notable figures like Plato and Aristotle didn't gain their wisdom solely from reading. Therefore, reading and traveling are of little use without hands-on practice. The author emphasizes that they know their craft through practice, as direct experience often reveals the truth where written words may deceive. Much like a handpost that points the way without traversing it, writings can guide towards many arts, but true understanding comes from hands-on practice. The author finishes by saying they are unaffected by envy, for they have achieved through their work what hundreds could not achieve through reading.
| Type=OtherText
| Author=
| Anon=1
| Title=Epitaphia
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1575
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP166
| AbstractGPT=The texts provided are a collection of epitaphs written by the friends of Theophrastus Paracelsus, as a testament to their piety and goodwill towards him. 1. The first epitaph states that under a small mound rests Theophrastus, a man of great renown. He was a prolific healer who could treat various diseases and even alleviated leprosy through his art. He cured incurable dropsy but ultimately succumbed to the inexorable death. The reader is asked to say the final words. 2. The second epitaph affirms that Theophrastus's body rests in an urn, and that even the famed Aristotle was not his equal. 3. The third epitaph remembers Theophrastus as a Swiss physician of unmatched medical skill, integrity, and charity towards the needy. It mentions his age at death but does not specify it. 4. The fourth epitaph commemorates Theophrastus as the only physician who could cure gout, leprosy, dropsy, and humoral imbalances. 5. The fifth epitaph suggests that readers should not be surprised that even people like Theophrastus, who seemed worthy of immortality and had few equals in medical arts, are mortal. Nonetheless, he will be immortal in the eyes of God. 6. The sixth epitaph portrays Theophrastus as a distinguished physician, level-headed in all fortunes, devoted to fairness, kindness to the poor, and religious. His death is mourned by all good people. 7. The final epitaph is for Theophrastus, a highly skilled physician whose death robbed the world of a man of complete learning, who saved many who were on the brink of death. The epitaph is placed by N. Setznagel, a citizen of Salzburg, out of piety. It also mentions his lifespan and death but does not specify them.
= Albrecht, Johann (Wimpinaeus) =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus)
| Recipient=Michael Wagner
| Date=1561-01-19
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP.Alb.1561-01
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Postface
| Author=Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus)
| Recipient=Professors of the University of Ingolstadt
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1561
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP.Alb.1561-01
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus)
| Recipient=Paulus Gmainer
| Date=1563-08-10
| DatePresumed=
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP.Alb.1563-01
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus)
| Recipient=Friedrich V. Graf von Oettingen-Wallerstein
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1563-08-10
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP.Alb.1563-02
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus)
| Recipient=Wilhelm V., Herzog von Bayern
| Date=1568-11-23
| DatePresumed=
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP.Alb.1569-01
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus)
| Recipient=Albrecht V., Herzog von Bayern
| Date=1570-02-08
| DatePresumed=
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP119
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus)
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1570
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP119
| AbstractGPT=
= Ambrosius, Marcus =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Marcus Ambrosius
| Recipient=Mayor and City Council of Danzig
| Date=1566-05-20
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP079
| AbstractGPT=
= Aretius, Benedictus =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Benedictus Aretius
| Recipient=Wigand Happel
| Date=1572-03-01
| DatePresumed=
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP139
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Benedictus Aretius
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1572
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP139
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Benedictus Aretius
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1572
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP139
| AbstractGPT=
= Berg, Adam =
| Type=Postface
| Author=Adam Berg
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1570
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP119
| AbstractGPT=
= Birckmann, Theodor =
| Type=Preface
| Anon=1
| AuthorPresumed=Theodor Birckmann
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1564
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP063
| AbstractGPT=
= Bodenstein, Adam von =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Johann Christoph vom Grüth, Abt von Muri
| Date=1556-10-10
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP.Bod.1557-01
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1556
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP.Bod.1557-01
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Postface
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1556
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP.Bod.1557-01
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Hans Heinrich vom Rhein
| Date=1557-03-01
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP.Bod.1557-02
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Anton Fugger; Johann Jacob Fugger; Georg Fugger; Ulrich Fugger
| Date=1559-05-07
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP.Bod.1559-03
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1559
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP.Bod.1559-03
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Duke and Magistrate of Venice
| Date=1560-02-01
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP039
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Wilhelm Böcklin von Böcklinsau
| Date=1561-01-25
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP042
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1562
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP046
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1563
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP054
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Johann Rudolf Stoer von Stoerenberg
| Date=1564-03-01
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP060
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1566
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP074
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Julius Graf von Salm
| Date=1566-03-01
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP074
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Adolf Wilhelm von Dörnberg
| Date=1567-10-28
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP090
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=1567-10-28
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP095
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=1568-02-09
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP098
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Thomas Sunner
| Date=1568-11-16
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP104
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Mayor and City Council of Basel
| Date=1571-12-02
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP136
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1572
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP138
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1577
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP178
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Poem
| AuthorPossible=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1576
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP.Bod.1577-01
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Adam von Bodenstein
| Recipient=Citizens and City Council of Basel
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1576-09-04
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP.Bod.1577-01
| AbstractGPT=
= Brentz, Andreas =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Andreas Brentz
| Recipient=Wolfgang von Hausen, Bischof von Regensburg
| Date=1606-01-20
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP276
| AbstractGPT=
= Dorn, Gerhard =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Adam von Bodenstein
| Date=1566-08-01
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP.Dorn.1567-01
| AbstractGPT=Dorn acknowledges his debt of learning to Bodenstein and to their common mentor, Theophrastus Paracelsus. The letter laments the ungratefulness and shortsightedness of their contemporaries, especially university scholars, who deride Paracelsus for his unconventional writing style and ideas. Dorn champions Paracelsus's contributions to medicine, physics, and metaphysics and asserts that truth will eventually triumph. In conclusion, he urges Bodenstein to continue advocating for Paracelsus's work and ideals, expressing faith in Bodenstein's commitment to the cause.
| Type=Preface
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Medical Doctors
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1566
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP.Dorn.1567-01
| AbstractGPT=Dorn laments that many who are ignorant of Paracelsus's teachings disgrace him, even though Paracelsus surpassed other physicians in both experience and skill. These critics, Dorn says, fail to acknowledge their own ignorance while Paracelsus strived to educate and elevate those skilled in their art. Dorn encourages the learned to admire Paracelsus's achievements rather than condemn him. He criticizes those who deride the advancements made by Paracelsus and others in the medical arts, and suggests that this is due to envy and a lack of understanding. Dorn also critiques those who misappropriate the teachings of Paracelsus for their own gain, using his advanced knowledge without understanding it, and discarding those who have truly studied and practiced under his guidance. He calls on his peers to resist such behavior, defend the legacy of Paracelsus, and remain committed to his teachings, despite the slander and misinterpretation that followed his death. Finally, Dorn signs off by reminding his peers of their duty to their teacher, Theophrastus Paracelsus, and the need to continue his work and preserve his legacy.
| Num=1
| Type=Preface
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1566
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP.Dorn.1567-01
| AbstractGPT=Dorn urges the reader to read and re-read the book carefully, assuring that if done correctly, he can uncover the beautiful secrets of the art. Dorn mentions the value of practical application over theory, highlighting his own experiences of learning more from mistakes and failures than from passive reading. He also cautions the reader about the potential pitfalls of overreaching, warning against using alchemy for the transformation of common metals.
| Num=2
| Type=Preface
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1566
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP.Dorn.1567-01
| AbstractGPT=Dorn states he has composed a key to understanding Alchemy, offering a demonstration of its stages to serve as a guide for those interested in the subject. Dorn acknowledges the criticism he might face from individuals who are resistant to new ideas, particularly those not widely taught or accepted in traditional academic environments. He argues that experience is often a more powerful teacher than formal education and that philosophical truth is not determined by polished speech or complicated arguments. Dorn emphasizes that the principles outlined in his work may have moral implications, serving to guide ethical conduct, not just physical transformations. He argues that one must progress through philosophical stages to truly understand and apply Alchemy. The preface concludes with a discussion about the misconceptions of Alchemy, explaining that the true value lies not in the mythical transmutation of metals into gold, but in its potential application in healing the human body. Using this philosophy, he argues, one can achieve divine help in treating illnesses, thus improving overall health.
| Type=Preface
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1568
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP101
| AbstractGPT=In this preface to a book, Dorn explains his decision to add a new title to a work of Paracelsus. He notes that many readers, who form judgments without fully understanding a text, might be deterred by the term 'Vexation' in the original title. The author hopes that the additional title will encourage these readers to delve deeper into the text and gain a proper understanding. He explains that Paracelsus embedded deep mysteries in his works, making accurate translations and interpretations a challenging task. Paracelsus wrote this work primarily to support those seriously committed to the study of Alchemy ('Pyrophilists'), encouraging them to endure its challenges patiently. The author believes the term 'Pyrophilia' encapsulates the spirit of the book and hopes that the revised title will better guide and serve its intended readership.
| Type=Notice
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1568
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP101
| AbstractGPT=The translated texts primarily deal with the preparation and use of various tinctures, such as those of gold, oil, coral, balsam, antimony, and philosophers' salt, with particular emphasis on their relevance to the treatment of serious diseases. Dorn also addresses criticism from a Parisian Doctor, Leo Suavius, who he accuses of being driven by envy rather than reason in his critiques. Dorn invites readers to compare the works and discern the truth for themselves, and he asserts his right to refute any further criticisms Suavius might levy against his translations.
| Type=Dedication
| Num=1
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Karl II., Markgraf von Baden-Durlach
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1568
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP109
| AbstractGPT=Dorn defends Paracelsus's teachings, criticizes traditional scholastic and pagan philosophy, and advocates for Paracelsus's approach to learning, which is based on experience and practical work. Dorn contends that Paracelsus's works, though fragmented and criticized by detractors, offer valuable insights into natural philosophy and medicine. He highlights the value of empirical knowledge and laments the misinterpretation and misuse of Paracelsus's work by those who focus solely on theory. Dorn also argues that Paracelsus was divinely chosen to reform traditional philosophy and medicine, and he requests the Prince's protection and patronage in defending Paracelsus's teachings.
| Type=OtherText
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Title=Apologia qua Theophrasti respondetur adversariis
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1568
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP109
| AbstractGPT=This text is an Apology where the author defends Paracelsus against accusations typically levelled against him by his adversaries. The detractors claim that Paracelsus wrote his books while inebriated and that he wrote in the vernacular because he was ignorant of Latin. The author refutes these accusations and suggests that they are slanderous rumors spread by those who are resistant to the truth that Paracelsus brings forth. He goes on to argue that such criticisms do nothing to diminish the value of Paracelsus' work and that the naysayers, in their attempts to defame Paracelsus, only end up discrediting themselves. The text ends with a plea to the reader to form a fair judgment and not to fall for false rumors and slanders.
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Friedrich III., Kurfürst von der Pfalz
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1568
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP.Dorn.1568-01
| AbstractGPT=Dorn metaphorically presents his work as a fledgling bird that he sends out into the world despite threats from detractors. He suggests that his work may seem unworthy due to its tattered appearance and style, but emphasizes the importance of the truths it contains. Dorn believes these truths align with natural principles and hopes that they could lead to significant advancements, such as in the field of medicine. Despite anticipating criticism, he hopes Prince Frederick will protect and support his work because of its dedication to exploring natural laws and the pursuit of truth.
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Wilhelm IV., Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1569
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP110
| AbstractGPT=Dorn discusses his work translating the philosophical writings of Theophrastus Paracelsus from German into Latin. He believes Paracelsus's work is more sincere and in accordance with Christian religion than many earlier writings. He specifically mentions works on Meteors, the Womb, and the first three substances and principles of things. Dorn criticizes those who use pagan texts to try to refute Paracelsus's writings, and he urges his detractors to try to refute his works based on philosophical and religious merit rather than using human authorities. Dorn hopes that the Prince, who he notes respects truth above all else, will protect Paracelsus's works from slander and assist in the reform of abuses he left behind.
| Type=Dedication
| Num=2
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Karl II., Markgraf von Baden-Durlach
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1569
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP111
| AbstractGPT=Dorn discusses his efforts to translate the philosophical works of Theophrastus Paracelsus from German into Latin for a wider audience. He reveals that certain Astronomical and Astrological works of Paracelsus have recently come to his attention. These works only contain a portion of Paracelsus's ideas, but Dorn believes they hold great value. He expresses his commitment to make these teachings accessible to foreign nations like France and Italy, believing that wisdom is not only for one's own benefit, but for the collective good. He requests Prince Charles's support and patronage to assist in his endeavors. Dorn hopes that with the Prince's backing, they could resist those opposing the truth and complete this important work for the benefit of all.
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Egenolf von Rappoltstein
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1569
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP112
| AbstractGPT=Dorn seeks Egenolph's patronage for his Latin translation of the works of Paracelsus, originally written in German. Dorn reveals that he undertook the translation project due to the high demand in France and other foreign countries to understand Paracelsus' works. Despite the renowned scholar's native Germany undervaluing his teachings, Paracelsus is highly celebrated abroad. Dorn sees his mission as one of introducing Paracelsus' overlooked wisdom to regions where it would be cherished. However, his efforts have met opposition from those who hold portions of Paracelsus' legacy. They fear losing control over the scholar's teachings and criticize Dorn's translations, believing them to be crude or plain. Dorn challenges these critics to produce their own faithful translations or refrain from criticism altogether. He accuses some of holding back key teachings and others of publishing Paracelsus' works under their own names, actions he considers more disgraceful than ambitious. Dorn holds a strong conviction that his translations, even if they're in a "rough style," will shine a light on Paracelsus' teachings. He is motivated by a desire to see Paracelsus' wisdom shared more widely, for the betterment of mankind and the honour of Germany.
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Pierre de Grantrye
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1570
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP123
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=August, Kurfürst von Sachsen
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1570
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP124
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Friedrich V., Kurfürst von der Pfalz
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1570
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP125
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=François de Valois, duc d’Alençon
| Date=1577-08-12
| DatePresumed=
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP177
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1577
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP177
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1577
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP177
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=François de Valois, duc d’Alençon
| Date=1578-07-27
| DatePresumed=
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP181
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1578
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP181
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=the Critic
| RecipientGeneral=1
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1581
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP185
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reichard, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein, Herzog von Pfalz-Simmern
| Date=1581-09-01
| DatePresumed=
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP185
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Num=1
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1581
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP185
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Num=2
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1581
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP185
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Postface
| Num=1
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1581
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP185
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Num=3
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1581
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP185
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Postface
| Num=2
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1581
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP185
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Num=2
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reichard, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein, Herzog von Pfalz-Simmern
| Date=1581-09-01
| DatePresumed=
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP186
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Num=1
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1581
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP186
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Num=2
| Author=Gerhard Dorn
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1581
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP186
| AbstractGPT=
= Erasmus von Rotterdam =
| Type=Letter
| Author=Erasmus von Rotterdam
| Recipient=Paracelsus
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1527
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP043
| AbstractGPT=
= Erastus, Thomas =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Thomas Erastus
| Recipient=August, Kurfürst von Sachsen
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1571-05-01
| PlaceDatePresent=Cal[endas] Maij Heydelbergae
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP.Erastus.1571-01
| AbstractGPT=
= Everaerts, Martinus =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Martinus Everaerts
| Recipient=Geeraert Baeck
| Date=1563-09-03
| DatePresumed=
| Language=nld
| SourceBP=BP058
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Martinus Everaerts
| Recipient=Bruninck van Wyngaerden
| Date=1567-10-15
| DatePresumed=
| Language=nld
| SourceBP=BP094
| AbstractGPT=
= Fedro, Georg =
| Type=Poem
| Author=Georg Fedro
| Recipient=Johannes Oporinus
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1556
| Language=gre
| SourceBP=
| SourceVD16=VD16 N 342
| SourceGB=https://books.google.de/books?id=gIpQZVQmBxkC&pg=PA14
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Poem
| Author=Georg Fedro
| Recipient=Hans Kilian
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1562
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=
| SourceVD16=VD16 F 686
| SourceGB=https://books.google.de/books?id=OnZVAAAAcAAJ&pg=PP6
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Poem
| Author=Georg Fedro
| Recipient=Oswald von Eck
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1562
| Language=gre
| SourceBP=
| SourceVD16=VD16 F 689
| SourceGB=https://books.google.de/books?id=4ndVAAAAcAAJ&pg=PP6
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Georg Fedro
| Recipient=Johann Jacob Kuen von Belasy, Erzbischof von Salzburg
| Date=1562-09-08
| DatePresumed=
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=
| SourceVD16=VD16 F 690
| SourceGB=https://books.google.de/books?id=mHRVAAAAcAAJ&pg=PP7
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Georg Fedro
| Recipient=Albrecht V., Herzog von Bayern
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1562-09-15
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=
| SourceVD16=VD16 F 687
| SourceGB=https://books.google.de/books?id=s_LUDCu0v4gC&pg=PR93
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Georg Fedro
| Recipient=Friedrich IV. von Wied, Erzbischof und Kurfürst von Köln
| Date=1565-11-20
| DatePresumed=
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=
| SourceVD16=VD16 F 692
| SourceGB=https://books.google.de/books?id=3n5VAAAAcAAJ&pg=PP7
| AbstractGPT=
= Figulus, Benedictus =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Benedictus Figulus
| Recipient=Kaiser Rudolf II.
| Date=1607-10-03
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP280
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Benedictus Figulus
| Recipient=Michael Daniel Pleickhard genannt Poland; Balthasar Keybe; Johann Enoch Maier
| Date=1607-12-26
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP282
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Benedictus Figulus
| Recipient=Sebastian Küller; Georg Schwalenberg; Heinrich Praetorius
| Date=1607-12-28
| Calendar=vetus
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Benedictus Figulus
| Recipient=Johann Baptista von Seebach
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1608
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP280
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Benedictus Figulus
| Recipient=Joachim Ernst Markgraf von Brandenburg
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1608
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP280
| AbstractGPT=
= Finck, Rupertus =
| Type=Letter
| Author=Rupertus Finck
| Recipient=Adam Schröter
| Date=1569-05-17
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP108
| AbstractGPT=
= Flöter, Balthasar =
| Type=Poem
| Author=Balthasar Flöter
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1567
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP085
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Poem
| Anon=1
| AuthorPossible=Balthasar Flöter
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1567
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP087
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Poem
| Num=2
| Anon=1
| AuthorPossible=Balthasar Flöter
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1567
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP087
| AbstractGPT=
= Foillet, Jacques =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Jacques Foillet
| Recipient=Friedrich I., Herzog von Württemberg
| Date=1607-09-25
| Language=fra
| SourceBP=BP279
| AbstractGPT=
= Forberger, Georg =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Georg Forberger
| Recipient=August, Kurfürst von Sachsen
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1573
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP145
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Anon=1
| Author=Georg Forberger
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1573
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP145
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Georg Forberger
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1575
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP166
| AbstractGPT=
= Gennep, Jaspar von =
| Type=Preface
| Author=Jaspar von Gennep
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=1562-08-01
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP048
| AbstractGPT=
= Gohory, Jacques=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Jacques Gohory
| Recipient=René Perrot
| Date=1566-08-06
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP089
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Jacques Gohory
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1566/67
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP089
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Letter
| Author=Jacques Gohory
| Recipient=Jean Chapelain
| Date=1567-07-01
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP089
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Letter
| Author=Jacques Gohory
| Recipient=Louis de Saint-Gelais
| Date=1567-01-01
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP089
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=OtherText
| Author=Jacques Gohory
| Title=Catalogue of the works of Paracelsus
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1566/67
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP089
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Jacques Gohory
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1566/67
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP089
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Num=2
| Author=Jacques Gohory
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1566/67
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP089
| AbstractGPT=
= Gutteter, Achatius =
| Type=Poem
| Author=Jacques Gohory
| Recipient=Petrus Gutteter
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1569
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP107
| AbstractGPT=
= H.L.L. =
| Type=Poem
| Author=H.L.L.
| Recipient=Achatius Morbach
| Date=1553
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP030
| AbstractGPT=
= Hassard, Pierre =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Pierre Hassard
| Recipient=Lamoral d’Egmont
| Date=1566-05-15
| DatePresumed=
| Language=fra
| SourceBP=BP083
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Pierre Hassard
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=1566-07-10
| DatePresumed=
| Language=fra
| SourceBP=BP083
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Pierre Hassard
| Recipient=Antoine de Withem, seigneur d'Isque
| Date=1570-01-01
| DatePresumed=
| Language=fra
| SourceBP=BP114
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Pierre Hassard
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1569/70
| Language=fra
| SourceBP=BP114
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Num=2
| Author=Pierre Hassard
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1569/70
| Language=fra
| SourceBP=BP114
| AbstractGPT=
= Hermanni, Philippus =
| Type=Preface
| Author=Philippus Hermanni
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1553
| Language=nld
| SourceBP=BP031
| AbstractGPT=
= Hester, John =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=John Hester
| Recipient=John Watson, Bischof von Winchester
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1580
| Language=eng
| SourceBP=BP184
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=John Hester
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1580
| Language=eng
| SourceBP=BP184
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=John Hester
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1580
| Language=eng
| SourceBP=BP184
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Num=2
| Author=John Hester
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1580
| Language=eng
| SourceBP=BP184
| AbstractGPT=
= Hippodamus, Johannes =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johannes Hippodamus
| Recipient=Katharina Markgräfin von Brandenburg
| Date=1596-08-24
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP238
| AbstractGPT=
= Huser, Johann =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Huser
| Recipient=Ernst Kurfürst von Köln
| Date=1589-01-03
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP216
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Johann Huser
| Recipient=Reader of volume 1
| Date=1589
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP216
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Editorial Notes
| Author=Johann Huser
| Recipient=Reader of volume 1
| Date=1589
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP216
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Editorial Notes
| Author=Johann Huser
| Recipient=Reader of volume 2
| Date=1589
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP217
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Editorial Notes
| Author=Johann Huser
| Recipient=Reader of volume 3
| Date=1589
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP218
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Editorial Notes
| Author=Johann Huser
| Recipient=Reader of volume 4
| Date=1589
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP219
| AbstractGPT=
= Huser, Johann (Erben) =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Husers Erben
| Recipient=Ernst Kurfürst von Köln
| Date=1604-12-01
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP267
| AbstractGPT=
= Karl, Ägidius =
| Type=Preface
| Author=Ägidius Karl
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=1554
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP033
| AbstractGPT=
= Kieser, Franz =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Franz Kieser
| Recipient=Georg Schwalenberg; Balthasar Keybe
| Date=1606-03-30
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP277
| AbstractGPT=
= Kilian, Hans =
| Type=Poem
| Author=Hans Kilian
| Recipient=Georg Fedro
| Date=1562-09-09
| DatePresumed=
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=
| SourceVD16=VD16 F 687
| SourceGB=https://books.google.de/books?id=s_LUDCu0v4gC&pg=PR94
| AbstractGPT=
= Klebitz, Wilhelm =
| Type=Preface
| Author=Wilhelm Klebitz
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1567
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP084
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Wilhelm Klebitz
| Recipient=Balthasar Graf von Nassau-Idstein
| Date=1567-01-01
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP084
| AbstractGPT=
= M.G.V.M.M. =
| Type=Poem
| Author=M.G.V.M.M.
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1568
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP098
| AbstractGPT=
= Macer, Johannes Gregorius =
| Type=Preface
| Author=Johannes Gregorius Macer
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1569
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP108
| AbstractGPT=
= Manlius, Christoph =
| Type=Poem
| Author=Christoph Manlius
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1572
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP1572-09
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Poem
| Author=Christoph Manlius
| Recipient=Erasmus von Rotterdam
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1575
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP166
| AbstractGPT=
= Morbach, Achatius =
| Type=Preface
| Author=Achatius Morbach
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=1553
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP030
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Num=2
| Anon=1
| AuthorPossible=Achatius Morbach
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1553
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP030
| AbstractGPT=
= Morel, Pierre =
| Type=Poem
| Author=Pierre Morel
| Recipient=Jacques Gohory
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1567
| Language=gre
| SourceBP=BP089
| AbstractGPT=
= Morsius, Joachim =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Joachim Morsius
| Recipient=Gerhard Culemann
| Date=1626-07-16
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
= Nollius, Henricus =
| Type=Poem
| Author=Henricus Nollius
| Recipient=Joachim Morsius
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1626
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
= Olivier, Antoine =
| Type=Poem
| Author=Olivier Antoine
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1570
| Language=fra
| SourceBP=BP114
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Poem
| Author=Olivier Antoine
| Recipient=Pierre Hassard
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1570
| Language=fra
| SourceBP=BP114
| AbstractGPT=
= Palthenius, Zacharias =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Zacharias Palthenius
| Recipient=Kaiser Rudolf II.
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1603
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Zacharias Palthenius
| Recipient=Karl von Liechtenstein
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1603
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Zacharias Palthenius
| Recipient=Rudolf Coraduz
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1603
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Zacharias Palthenius
| Recipient=Christoph von Schleinitz
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1603
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Zacharias Palthenius
| Recipient=Franz Gansneb Tengnagel
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1603
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
= Paracelsus =
| Type=Letter
| Author=Paracelsus
| Recipient=Christoph Clauser
| Date=1526-11-10
| DatePresumed=
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP043
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Letter
| Author=Paracelsus
| Recipient=the Students of Zurich
| RecipientGeneral=1
| Date=1527-11-10
| DatePresumed=
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP043
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Paracelsus
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=1536-06-24
| DatePresumed=
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP015
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Letter
| Author=Paracelsus
| Recipient=Wolfgang Thalhauser
| Date=1536-07-23
| DatePresumed=
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP015
| AbstractGPT=
= Pauwels, Jan =
| Type=Preface
| Num=1
| Author=Jan Pauwels
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1580
| Language=nld
| SourceBP=BP183
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Num=2
| Author=Jan Pauwels
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1580
| Language=nld
| SourceBP=BP183
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Jan Pauwels
| Recipient=Andreas a Carasco
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1580
| Language=nld
| SourceBP=BP183
| AbstractGPT=
= Perna, Pietro =
| Type=Letter
| Author=Pietro Perna
| Recipient=Jacques Gohory
| Date=1568-02-13
| DatePresumed=
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP099
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Pietro Perna
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1570
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP116
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Pietro Perna
| Recipient=Pierre de Grantrye
| Date=1573-08-19
| DatePresumed=
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP146
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Pietro Perna
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=1575-08-03
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP165
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Pietro Perna
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1575
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP166
| AbstractGPT=
= Pinaut, Gilles =
| Type=Poem
| Author=Gilles Pinaut
| Recipient=Jacques Gohory
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1567
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP089
| AbstractGPT=
= Pratensis, Johannes =
| Type=Poem
| Author=Johannes Pratensis
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1567
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP087
| AbstractGPT=
= Schöneich, Peter =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Peter Schöneich
| Recipient=N.N.
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1605
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
= Schröter, Adam =
| Type=Preface
| Author=Adam Schröter
| Recipient=Petrus Gutteter
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1569
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP107
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Adam Schröter
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1569
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP107
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Adam Schröter
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1569
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP108
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Num=2
| Author=Adam Schröter
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1569
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP108
| AbstractGPT=
= Scultetus, Bartholomaeus =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Bartholomaeus Scultetus
| Recipient=Gregor Leisentritt
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1572
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP1572-09
| AbstractGPT=
= Stemler, Levinus =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Levinus Stemler
| Recipient=Mayor and Council of the City of Straubing
| Date=1560-12-01
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP041
| AbstractGPT=
= Suchten, Alexander von =
| Type=Poem
| Author=Alexander von Suchten
| Recipient=Karl Rauhenberger
| Date=1560-12-01
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP087
| AbstractGPT=
= Tatius, Marcus =
| Type=Poem
| Author=Marcus Tatius
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1536
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP018
| AbstractGPT=
= Thalhauser, Wolfgang =
| Type=Letter
| Author=Wolfgang Thalhauser
| Recipient=Paracelsus
| Date=1536-07-24
| DatePresumed=
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP015
| AbstractGPT=
= Thölde, Johann =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Thölde
| Recipient=Abraham Faber
| Date=1599-06-28
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Thölde
| Recipient=Joachim Friedrich Kurfürst von Brandenburg; Katharina Markgräfin von Brandenburg
| Date=1602-01-04
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Thölde
| Recipient=Georg Schwalenberg
| Date=1602-08-20
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Thölde
| Recipient=Joachim Tancke; Johannes Hartmann
| Date=1602-12-20
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Thölde
| Recipient=Nicolaus Maius
| Date=1604-05-01
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johann Thölde
| Recipient=Gottfried Graf von Oettingen
| Date=1604-12-24
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=
| AbstractGPT=
= Thurneisser, Leonhard =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Leonhard Thurneisser
| Recipient=Julius, Herzog zu Braunschweig und Lüneburg
| Date=1574-04-09
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP155
| AbstractGPT=
= Toxites, Michael =
| Type=Postface
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1565
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP068
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Ulrich von Montfort und Rothenfels
| Date=1567-11-16
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP097
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1567
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP097
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Maximilian II., Kaiser
| Date=1570-01-28
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP118
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Poem
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1570
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP118
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Ferdinand, Erzherzog von Österreich
| Date=1570-03-01
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP120
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1570
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP120
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Georg Helle, Abt von St. Trudpert
| Date=1571-04-26
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP132
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Poem
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1571
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP133
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Johann Freiherr von Pollweiler
| Date=1571-08-19
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP133
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Postface
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1571
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP133
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Georg Hund von Wenkheim
| Date=1572-03-15
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP140
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Carl Welser Freiherr von Zinnenberg
| Date=1572-08-01
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP141
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1574
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP154
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Preface
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1574
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP158
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1574
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP158
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Postface
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1574
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP158
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Reader
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1575
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP160
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Gebhard Truchsess von Waldburg-Trauchburg
| Date=1575-03-01
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP162
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Julius, Herzog zu Braunschweig und Lüneburg
| Date=1575-03-01
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP163
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Num=1
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1576
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP171
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Notice
| Num=2
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=
| Date=0
| DatePresumed=1576
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP171
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Philipp Truchsess von Rheinfelden
| Date=1577-01-01
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP174
| AbstractGPT=
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Michael Toxites
| Recipient=Egidius Colidaeus; Antonius Layendecker
| Date=1577-06-17
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP176
| AbstractGPT=
= Walch, Johannes =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Johannes Walch
| Recipient=Martin Sebastian Schwindratzer
| Date=1605-06-05
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP275
| AbstractGPT=
= Zetzner, Lazarus =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Lazarus Zetzner
| Recipient=Friedrich I., Herzog von Württemberg
| Date=1602-09-13
| Language=lat
| SourceBP=BP251
| AbstractGPT=
= Zimmermann, Samuel =
| Type=Dedication
| Author=Samuel Zimmermann
| Recipient=Johann Jacob Kuen von Belasy, Erzbischof von Salzburg
| Date=1567-05-23
| Language=deu
| SourceBP=BP088
| AbstractGPT=

Latest revision as of 12:45, 21 August 2023