Difference between revisions of "Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP283"

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Line 167: Line 167:
| Language=deu
| Language=deu
| Author=Benedictus Figulus
| Author=Benedictus Figulus
| Recipient=Christoph Roithner; Christoph Erben
| Recipient=Georg Adam Rauber; Christoph Roithner; Christoph Erben
| Place=Hagenau
| Place=Hagenau
| Date=1607-12-29
| Date=1607-12-29

Latest revision as of 21:52, 1 July 2024


Rosarium novum olympicum et benedictum, ed. by Benedictus Figulus. Basel, no printer: printed for the Author, 1608.
Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 482-485, n° 283 (Google Books). — VD17 12:133068G, VD17 3:302596D, VD17 12:133078P, VD17 3:302598U. — USTC: 2027674, 2509393, 2040688, 2105902. —
4°. Signatures: a–m4 ):(–):():(4 A–P4 = 116 fols. (232 pages) (autopsy).
[x], 83, [3 blank]; [xv], [1 blank], 117, [2], [1 blank] pages (autopsy).
Main Language: German. —
Full title (autopsy):
Rosarivm novvm olym- ‖ picvm et benedictvm,Das ist:Ein newer Gebendey-ter Philosophischer Rosengart/Darinnen vom aller weisesten König Salomone/H. Salomone Trismosino/ H. Trithemio/ D. Theophra-sto, &c. gewiesen wirdt/ wie der Gebenedete Guldene Zweig/ vnndTincturschatz/ vom unverwelcklichen Orientalischen Baum der ‖ Hesperidum, vormittels Göttlicher Gnaden/ abzu-brechen vnd zu erlangen sey:Allen vnd jeden Filiis doctrinæ Hermeticæ, ‖ vnd D. Theo ‖ phrasticæ Liebhabern zu gutem trewlich eröffnetin zwen Theilen.Pars Prima. ‖ [Woodcut with printed inscriptions and Latin annotations on both sides] ‖ Per Benedictvm Figvlvs; Vtenhoviatem, Francum: ‖ Poë L. C. Theologum; Theosophum; Philosophum; ‖ Medicum Eremitam. T. M. ‖ Getruckt zu Basel/ in verlegung des Autoris, Anno 1608.
Secondary title (autopsy):
Rosarii novi olympici ‖ et benedicti,Pars Altera:Jn sich haltent ein Buchmit 32. Capiteln/ Laurentii Venturæ Ve- ‖ neti, Medicinæ Doctoris, &c. ‖ Auß dem Latein vertiert vnnd trewlich ver-dolmetschet/ in vnser Teutschen Sprachvor nie gesehen/ ‖ De Lapide Benedicto Philosophorum, &c. ‖ Interprete ‖ Benedicto Figulo, Vtenhoviate, Franco, Poẽta L. C. ‖ Theologo; Theosopho; Philosopho, Me- ‖ dico, Eremita. ‖ D. T. P. D. G. N. ‖ [Woodcut] ‖ Getruckt zu Basel/ in verlegung des Avtoris.Anno ‖ BeneDICtI RegIs & MagIstrI GratIæ ‖ & bonItatIs. &c.
Variant editionBP1608-07 (distinguishing feature: no coat of arms on sig. a1v).
Sudhoff’s copy (Google Books)
Google Books: Munich, State Library (Bibl.Sud. 1427-1) (KkhMAAAAcAAJ)
Digital copies (Google Books)
Google Books: Munich, State Library: 4 Alch. 74-1/2 (part one - from the library of David Eisenmenger as gift from the author) (F1VAAAAAcAAJ)
Google Books: Munich, State Library: 4 Alch. 74-1/2 (part two) (G1VAAAAAcAAJ)
Google Books: Vienna, National Library (both parts) (htlOAAAAcAAJ)
Google Books: Prague, National Library (part one) (k3bugClBZ2AC)
Google Books: Prague, National Library (part two) (ewnn5PGfSo4C)

sig. a2r–b1r

sig. f1v–h1r ‖ p. 32–47
‘Eine wahrhafte gegründete Theoria aus den cabalischen Gezeugnissen Theophrasti’, by B.F. [Benedictus Figulus]; German

sig. h1v ‖ p. 48
Notice by [Benedictus Figulus], addressed to Reader; German

sig. i1r ‖ p. 56
Notice by [Benedictus Figulus], addressed to Reader; German

sig. m2v–m3r ‖ p. 82–83
Notice by [Benedictus Figulus], addressed to Reader; German

sig. ):(2r–):():(4r